Weitere Eindrücke von La Réunion
Die 6d-Klasse, die vom 4. bis zum 14. Oktober 2022 auf La Réunion gewesen ist, berichtet von ihren Eindrücken.
Our first Saturday
Our first day was Saturday the 5th of November. After we all had picked up our luggage at the airport we drove to the “Lycée Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which is the school of our exchange students, by bus. Our exchange students and their parents were all waiting for us to arrive.
The families brought us to their houses and were very welcoming. Then we took a very much needed nap because of the exhausting flight.
For lunch Anna’s host family went to a nice place at the beach. There was very nice food and they also went stand-up paddling with her exchange student Luce and her friends.
In the afternoon our whole class met each other at another beach with black sand. The name of the beach is Etang Salé. We all had a great time and enjoyed the sunset. Watching the sunset on the island La Réunion is breathtaking. All the students got to know each other and the atmosphere was very good, even though it was the first time meeting everyone.
In the evening, for dinner, the family made a nice meal with fish and vegetables. They always cook different traditional meals for us to try, which is very nice.
This was our first day on La Réunion. We were all very excited and happy to be finally here on the beautiful island.
Anna Näscher and Deniz Önder, 6d
On Monday, November 7, we had our first day at the Lycée Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. When we got to the school, we were really surprised by the fact how big the school is and how different it looks compared to our school.
At 7.25am, when class starts, we first met with teachers from La Réunion in a meeting-room that was decorated for us. Three students handed out little welcome-gifts for us, which was a very nice gesture from them. After that, we were able to get breakfast in the canteen, which was really nice. When we got back to the meeting-room, a presentation about the biodiversity on La Réunion was given that was very informative and interesting, even though it was sometimes hard to follow, because it was in French. For lunch, we went, once again, to the canteen and ate there. For us it was really surprising how big the canteen is because ours is way smaller.
For the next activity after lunch, we were separated into two groups, one group played a game where we had to save animals and put them in their right environment and the other group had to connect different climate change events and reflect on a possible climate crisis. After that the groups were changed so everybody could do both activities.
For the next project, we got outside because there we wanted to plant some trees in the school garden where the exchange students from last year had already planted some trees. We had a lot of fun while doing it and also discovered a banana tree. Of course we had to take pictures of it.
Our first school day at the school in La Réunion was fascinating but also exhausting because it ended at 5pm and we were really happy to get back to our host families and spend the rest of the day there.
Anna Sophie Höfler and Pius Marte, 6d
Nous avons commencé notre journée à 5 heure du matin parce que le bus vient à 6 heure 10. Après une heure en bus nous sommes arrivées à l‘école et le premier cours a commencé.
Dans la matinée nous étions dans un cours d‘anglais et là, on a dû présenter notre école en anglais. Puis, on a eu un atelier zéro déchets où nous avons fait une dentifrice, c’était très cool !
À la fin de la matinée nous avons présentés notre école en français dans le CDI.
Après le déjeuner dans la cantine, nous avons pris le bus à Kelonia pour faire une excursion et nous avons eu une visite guidée sur des tortues.
Enfin, nous avons planté un petit arbre à la plage. Après, nous sommes retournés à l‘école où nous avons attendu le bus de 17:10.
Puis, nous avons pris le dîner avec la famille de notre corres et finalement nous sommes allées dormir.
Nous avons passé une bonne journée !
Antonia et Sarah, 6d
On our fifth day on the island we went to a waste recycing plant. We expected that we would have to help there but instead we got a tour of the place by bus. 60% of La Réunion‘s trash gets delivered to this plant. We learned that on this island there no separation of waste in the individual households. Inside the plant we also discovered that the garbage was separated by a machine and humans.
In the afternoon the whole school had time off. So we used that to do things with our exchange partners. I (Sophie) went shopping in St. Louis, ate waffles and had a lot of fun. In the evening I went to the beach with my host-family. We searched for shells and instead I found a tooth and money.
I (Aurelia) on the other hand went to St. Pierre with almost everyone of my classmates and their partners. The beach was one of the prettiest beaches I’ve ever seen. We talked the whole time and after that on our way to the bus, we did some shopping.
Every day we learn and discover something new; we are really enjoying our time here on the island.
Aurelia and Sophie, 6d
Aujourd'hui, c'était notre avant-dernier jour sur la belle île La Réunion et nous nous sommes encore vraiment amusés.
Mon samedi a commencé par une belle promenade en bateau avec ma partenaire d'échange, où nous avons pu observer de nombreux poissons, tortues et barrières de corail. Plus tard, nous avons visité un aquarium et nous avons vu des requins. Dans l'après-midi, nous sommes retournés à la plage, où nous avons fait un pique-nique avec notre classe, nos profs et les profs de la Réunion. Nous nous sommes baignés dans la mer et avons regardé le beau coucher de soleil une dernière fois.
Ma journée a commencé à 7 heures par un petit déjeuner. Ensuite, mon corres d'échange et moi sommes allés au marché de Saint-Pierre avec quelques élèves de ma classe. De là, nous sommes allés à Saint-Gilles pour faire un tour en bateau et observer des poissons et 150 tortues. Juste après cette expérience, nous nous sommes retrouvés avec tous les élèves de la classe pour un pique-nique sur la plage. Malheureusement, après le magnifique coucher de soleil, il fallait déjà faire les valises et se coucher tôt.
Eleeza et Gregor, 6d
Le système scolaire à la Réunion
Les Français commencent avec l’école maternelle (à partir de trois ans). Après on va à l’école primaire (de l’âge de six à once ans) puis au collège et quand ils ont 14 /15 ans, ils vont au lycée. À la Réunion, donc en France, les élèves doivent changer la salle de classe et pas les profs.
Une autre différence est qu’il y a 20 notes et le 20 est la meilleure note et le 0 la plus mauvaise note.
Encore une différence est que les élèves ont cours tous les après-midis sauf le mercredi. À la Réunion les cours commencent à 07:30 et les élèves ont la pause de midi à 11:30. Après, les élèves français ont cours de13:00 à 17:00. En France les vacances d’été durent deux moins. De plus, après six ou sept semaines de cours, on a des vacances pour deux semaines. Spécialement à île de la Réunion les élèves n’ont pas cours en janvier parce qu’il fait trop chaud. Les vacances de Noël durent donc six semaines !
Svenja, 6d
Religions on La Réunion
We, Felicitas and Amelie, are on a student exchange on the island of La Réunion with our class, the 6d, right now. We are going to write about the religions on La Réunion and we think it is very interesting, because almost every religion is present here.
So as we have just said, there are a lot of religions here but the majority is Catholic. Other big religions are for example Hinduism or Islam. What comes with that is that there is a big culutral diversity, but somehow the people here still feel connected. So they are not always in their own cultural bubble. We also think that the consolidation of religions is one of the reasons why the island is called „La Réunion“ („The Meeting“).
La Réunion is a multicultural island, whose inhabitants immigrated from all over the world. This fact implies that with the people, different religions came to La Réunion. It is a matter of common knowledge that every single religion has their own celebrations and holidays. This is why so many different religious festivities are celebrated there.
In addition, the question, if culturally based racism or terrorism exist on the island, arises. After we talked about this very topic with our host families, we came to the following conclusion: In some families, different religions can coexist under the same roof, so Réunion’s population is very tolerant with various professions of faith.
Amelie Kühn and Felicitas Berger, 6d
Piton de la Fournaise
Today we were able to experience an incredible day in „Le Tampon”. We went there to see „Piton de la Fournaise”, which is one of the two volcanoes in La Réunion. The day started at school, with us, waiting for the bus. In total we had to drive for more than 2 hours and as we were driving to our final destination, we made a few stops. Our guide Cedric and his wife explained everything about volcanoes, which was insanely interesting. Cedric has already visited more than 100 volcanoes all over the world and he’s convinced that „Piton de la Fournaise” is the most active and also the most beautiful volcano he’s ever seen. Later in the day, we went to see a crater. We had to hike for 30 minutes and as we arrived, we all sat down and ate our snacks that we brought. The view was absolutely amazing and we’ve never seen anything like it. Afterwards, we went back to the bus, which took us to the museum named „volcano house”. We had the chance to visit it and see some incredible stones from the volcano and also diamonds of Reunion island. At the end of the day, we watched the wonderful sunset of Reunion together and went back home after that.
Alexandra Kaneider and Berkay Kozogl, 6d
Personal growth
Hi, my name’s Fabio, I’m in 6d and I have been on short-term exchange on Réunion island. In this spectacular place I also learned a lot on a personal level. The families really like parties and I spoke with everyone about various topics, mostly in French. I also have to say, I have always been a little afraid of dogs but with the young and playful dog of my host family and I started to like them very much.
A very special thing they have on Réunion is their food. They really like different fruits and I think a lot of you have never heard of for example Tamarin, Goyavier or Tangor. And I’ve tried these things and they are delicious! On Réunion island you also find, for example Americain, a typical sandwich. I learned to try out new food.
Also speaking and communicating with the family worked very well, and they’ve been very kind all the time. I think the exchange was a great activity for our class and everybody learned a lot.
Fabio Fercher, 6d
Personal growth
Our journey to Reunion was a versatile experience because in these ten days, I didn’t only see some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, it also changed my way of looking at things.
I could spend the time on Réunion with a really welcoming and kind family. During my stay they treated me like a part of their own family, and they made me feel safe around them. The house I lived in, was small and simple, but I had everything I needed. Even though it meant that I had to get by without my hair dryer, my bathtub, or the dishwasher, for example. To be honest, it was definitely a little weird at the beginning, but in the end I personally experienced that it’s not the size or the luxury of the house that makes you happy; no, it’s the people who surround you that make you feel at home. I felt comfortable and welcome every second I spent with my host family and in the end I even felt at home.
Greta Könighofer, 6d